Sorte aktivister opfordrer til at lynche og hænge hvide og politimænd

Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops.

They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America.

Mere på Breitbart via Curmudgeonly&Skeptical

4 Kommentarer

  1. Den bindegale prædikant fra Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan tordnede i en prædiken på 3 timer mod hvide og opfordrede til at slå hvide ihjel. Han sagde blandt andet “Gud vil sende en UFO, “en stridsvogn” eller “himmelvogn” for at frelse sine tilhængere og få indført retfærdighed, hvis en ´krig skulle begynde.” Kuk, kuk. Og husk at det jo kun er hvide der kan være racister.

  2. – måske Shannon Miles hørte det pågældende radioprogram?

    News Aug 29 2015, 3:12 pm ET
    Texas Sheriff’s Deputy Darren H. Goforth Killed; Person of Interest Being Questioned
    Cops Condemn Deputy’s Death, Take Aim at Black Lives Matter
    Authorities were continuing to hunt for a suspect Saturday in the “execution-style” shooting of a uniformed Texas sheriff’s

    “”We’ve heard black lives matter — all lives matter,” a visibly angry Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman told reporters. “Well, cops’ lives matter, too.””

    ht tp://

    News Aug 29 2015, 8:13 pm ET
    Texas Deputy Slaying: Suspect Shannon Miles Charged in Killing of Darren Goforth
    Man Arrested In Execution Style Murder of Texas Sheriff’s Deputy
    ht tp://

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