Terrorimams menneskerettigheder beskyttet af spanske dommere

Reports suggest Abdelbaki Es Satty, the imam thought to have acted as the Barcelona terror attack’s mastermind, should have been deported from Spain in 2014 after completing a prison sentence — but judges accepted this would breach his human rights.

Various outlets have reported claims by the the Spanish daily newspaper El Mundo that Satty was ordered to leave the country in April 2014 after serving a sentence for drug smuggling, but judges agreed deportation would breach his human rights when he launched a legal appeal.

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1 Kommentar

  1. Imran Firasat, Ham kender vi
    Han er Konverteret fra Islam til et eller andet.
    Han er forsat fængslet i Spanien, fordi han kritiserer Islam og Pædofeten.
    Han kan forsat googles: Imran Firasat

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