BBC: Jesus var (sort) pæstilenser

BBC = Building the British Caliphate

The BBC is at it again, pushing Palestinian propaganda that Jesus was one of them, rather than a Jewish resident of the territory that was known historically as Judea.

The BBC World Service radio program “Heart and Soul,” aired initially on December 18th and available for listening online, was hosted by British theology professor Robert Beckford.

Beckford interviewed several people, including one who correctly says that Jesus was a Jewish Judean, but concluded the show by switching back to the Palestinian narrative.

“The color of Jesus matters, both literally and symbolically,” Beckford said at the end of his broadcast. “A first century Palestinian Jew had color. And if the Christian god is found amongst the oppressed of this earth, then God must be black.”

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3 Kommentarer

  1. Alt de sludder er ulideligt at hører på, måske var Bob Marley og Louis Armstrong hvide, HC. Andersen inder, Mette Frederiksen sort og Stauning indianer! Og ja såmænd forlyder det at Sofie Carsten Nielsen er kurrekurredut dronning i sydhavet!

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