Canadiske økoterrorister finansieret af udenlandske penge

Foreign-funded eco-terrorists are blockading one of Canada’s last energy lifelines.

Tens of thousands of jobs in Western Canada depend on getting our resources to market, and a small band of radicals are stopping us.

I was only the second reporter in the entire country to cross an RCMP checkpoint at the notorious Coastal GasLink pipeline protest and head deep into the exclusion zone to speak face-to-face with these radicals.

The mainstream media has been swooning over these blockaders, but they’re members of a fake Indian band known as the Wet’suwet’en Society. In fact, they call themselves a “company” and they allegedly receive foreign funding!   

I also learned that these eco-bandits are hypocrites, having laid lethal traps that could kill law enforcement and journalists like myself — tire bombs and widow-makers, they call them, trees ready to fall indiscriminately on people and vehicles with just a slight breeze. 

It’s dangerous territory up here, but we got what we came for — and we are working on associating identities with the folks we found. This story will develop very quickly.

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1 Kommentar

  1. Herhjemme er der også politiske grupper som trives fint og nyder godt af udenlandske penge. F.eks. er en del V og K aktiviteter vel finansieret af EU-midler. Tidligere fik kommunisterne mange penge fra Sovjet-unionen. De skatteborger-penge som nu bruges til at forgylde politikere i EU-parlamentet, eller som bruges på at støtte indvandrings-industrien og mange andre særinteresser, er penge som fuldstændig kan skævvride den førte politik i EU-landene. Så det bliver EUs trivsel mange politikere og journalister går mest op i, mens befolkningernes trivsel og velfærd forsømmes og “glemmes”.

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