Coca Cola Apple og Delta Airlines m. fl. går woke – modsætter sig en reform af valgsystemet i Georgia

Selskaberne risikerer boykot fra venstrefascisterne for ikke at være woke nok – og fra højrefløjen for at være det 🙂

In the aftermath of the 2020 election, the Georgia legislature went to work reforming their election laws to make voter fraud harder, and election integrity a priority.  This triggered the activist network; who then notify their leftist subsidiaries to swarm their corporate contacts.  Now we are seeing the results of that activation.

What results is a major hypocritical position from the corporations who concede to the demands of the wokeists.  Delta airlines puts out a statement against the Georgia election reform… but you need an ID to board a Delta flight.  Apple puts out a statement deriding the Georgia election reform…. but you need an Apple ID to engage with Apple products, and there’s a password on an Apple phone for a reason, DUH!

But yet again, always remember…. In order for the far left to advance their political ideology they have to pretend not to know things.  That is the essential underpinning of the hypocrisy they must ignore.

Mere her

Du kan kontakte Coca-Cola Danmark her:Email: du kan for eksempel spørge dem, om de mener, at Danmark er racistisk i og med, at vi forlanger ID for at stemme ved valgene.

[TrumpEs:] jeg har tilladt mig at tilføje Newt Gingrich glimrende hug til de woke firmaer:

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2 Kommentarer

    • Det har Trump 100% ret i !
      Alle konservative og andre fornuftige bør automatiak boycotte den slags latterlige woke firmaer !
      mvh TrumfEs

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