Den franske Nobelrismodtager Luc Montagnier siger: Wuhan-Coronavirus er manipuleret – der er sekvenser fra HIV-virus i arvemassen

Professor Luc Montagnier, a French Nobel Prize winner, said in an interview on the French channel CNEWS that the Covid-19 virus is partially lab grown. His research showed that it contains small sequences from HIV, the AIDS virus.
Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2008, Professor Montagnier insists that more and more researchers are coming to the same conclusion; that coronavirus is partially lab grown.
He finally says that evidences and research papers are being suppressed; and that nobody can exert any kind of pressure on him, considering his legacy and Nobel credentials.

6 Kommentarer

  1. Allerede i 2015 var der advarsler mod den yderst risikable og lyssky forskning der foregik i laboratoriet for biologisk krigsførelse i Wuhan. Det har Hodjas blog en videofilm om for ca. 14 dage siden.

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