HamaSS fanger bevæbnet israelsk snigmorderspiondelfin

Hamas claims it has captured an ‘Israeli spy dolphin equipped with weapons and capable of assassinating its fighters’ off of Gaza

  • Hamas said Israeli spy agency Mossad trained ‘killer dolphins’ to attack fighters
  • It said the aquatic secret agents were equipped with weapons capable of killing
  • Video online showed harness, allegedly from the animal, with a gun-like weapon
  • Not the first time the Palestinian group has claimed Israel is weaponising animals
  • In 2015, Hamas claimed its navy had captured Israel’s alleged aquatic operatives


Tip: O.S.

2 Kommentarer

  1. De har vel fundet ud af at der blev lavet forsøg med det under den kolde krig, fra begge sider, så derfor prøver de nu på at få dyreværnsaktivister til at gå mod Israel, ved at bilde folk ind at det stadig foregår.

    Det giver ikke mening at gøre det i dag, da det er nemmere, billigere og sikrer at producere droner, end at træne delfiner.

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