Hvem er chefen for WHO Tedros Adhanom – en kriminel forbryder der er nikkedukke for kineserne

“WHO” the hell is Dr. Tedros Adhanom anyway?

You have surely seen him on TV recently, being a darling of the mainstream media during the coronavirus pandemic.

As Director General of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros is the highest ranking medical official in the world, but unlike most medical officials, he isn’t even a real medical doctor.

In fact, he is the first ever to lead the WHO without a medical degree.

Tedros is simply a communist academic who has never cured a patient in his life.

But of course you wouldn’t know that because the media doesn’t want you to question the UN/WHO/China cabal during the coronavirus pandemic.

See, Tedros is actually a politician, who hired a public relations firm in the United States to help him get the lucrative top job at the WHO. 

Mercury Public Affairs put together a snazzy presentation for him to present to the global body, but when it came time to answer questions, he couldn’t answer any.

During times of crisis, the mainstream media will be the first to wave their arms and freak out, saying we shouldn’t be criticizing the “experts.” Tedros Adhanom is anything but an expert. Rather, he is a Communist revolutionary who oversaw a violent government in Ethiopia from several senior positions.

Tedros isn’t just a villainous communist who served in a government that killed their own people in the streets.

He was also accused of covering up several cholera epidemics in his home country when he was health minister.

It’s no wonder that a global petition has been signed by over 700,000 people, calling for his resignation.

Dr. Tedros has blood on his hands, both back when his Communist government slaughtered their people in the streets, and now, when the world’s vulnerable now cower in their homes due to the coronavirus pandemic, suffocating to death at the hands of an inept, Chinese bootlicker.

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4 Kommentarer

  1. Hvordan er det her dog muligt?? Hvis det er rigtigt at dr. er en falsk titel, og hvis han ikke kunne besvare de spørgsmål der blev stillet ham (da han skulle godkendes), og hvis han har blod på hænderne fra sin tid som minister i Afrika, hvordan kan det så lade sig gøre at han får jobbet som chef for WHO? Kina kunne jo ikke afgøre sagen alene Eller kunne de? Det er jo en mareridtagtig historie hvis den er rigtig?

  2. Der er nu to billeder som viser Sveriges og Danmarks fremtid. (Document) Og der er artikler om hvordan folkemordet i det blå-gule rædselskabinet udvikler sig. (Snaphanen) Tusinder af døde kan tælles både på corona-lazaretterne, ved multi-kulti frontlinjerne og på de sociale frontlinjer. Sossernes partier fører en tredobbelt krig mod sit eget folk og land.

  3. Ja selvfølgelig! En kriminel nigger, en heksedoktor, der har svindlet sig til magt og vælde og måske en lille skilling oven i.
    Kejserens nye klæder igen, igen. ØV, lad os komme ud af det kommunistiske og korrupte sammenrend, kaldet FN.

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