Israelerne giver humanitær hjælp til palæstinensere

På trods af at hamaSS beskyder civile israelere med raketter, yder israelerne humanitær hjælp til palæstinenserne.

Three ambulances and one Mobile Intensive Care Unit from the Lachish Region, this evening (16.5) transported injured Palestinians from the Erez Checkpoint to Soroka and Barzilai Hospitals, within Israel.

The injured were hurt during violent fighting between the fighting factions in the Gaza Strip, between the Fatah and the Hamas. Amongst the injured was also a young child of about 10, with a severe head injury, and another 3 adults injured in their lower limbs from gun fire exchanged between the two sides.

MDA Director General, Eli Bin, noted:

“One of our most important basic principles in MDA is that we treat a person, whoever he may be, and where ever the organization is needed to give medical assistance. Even when MDA teams are so busy, unfortunately, with the job of treating and transporting the injured from the city of Sderot, we do not ignore this important principle, and we are at the moment transferring Palestinians, injured during the fighting in Gaza, as part of the organisation’s humanitarian activities, and in the spirit of the International Red Cross, of whom MDA is a full member”.

Pressemeddelese fra Magen David Adom in Israel 17. maj 2007 (email)

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