Klimasvindelens ‘Godfather’ Michael Mann taber retssag

Readers surely recall that the easily offended Dr. Michael Mann launched a court case for defamation against climate skeptic Dr. Tim Ball of Canada.

In Feburary 2018 there was a complete dismissal in the lawsuit brought against Dr. Ball by Andrew Weaver of Canada, also for “defamation”.

The Weaver defamation case involved an article Ball wrote saying that the IPCC had diverted almost all climate research funding and scientific investigation to anthropogenic global warming (AGW). This meant that there was virtually no advance in the wider understanding of climate and climate change. Ball referenced an interview with Weaver and attempts by a student to arrange a debate. Ball made some comments that were not fully substantiated, so they became the base of the defamation lawsuit.

That case was completely dismissed, you can read more here.

Now in the Mann case, which goes back to 2011, there’s also a complete dismissal. Ball wrote to me less than an hour ago, asking me to announce it here.

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1 Kommentar

  1. For dem der ikke kender sagen, så tændte Michael Mann fuldstændigt af, da Dr. Tim Ball skrev at Michael Mann “belongs in the state pen, not Penn State”, fordi MM ikke ville udlevere data i forbindelse med sin Hockey Stick graf/artikel, så andre kunne verificere eller falsificere den.

    Vi kan også håbe på at Manns søgsmål mod Mark Stein snart får en afgørelse.

    Så længe Michael Mann ikke vil udlevere sine beregninger, data samt noter, kan vi ikke vide med sikkerhed om han blot har begået en fejl, eller om der er tale om bevidst uredelighed.

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