Islamo – forklaringen på de amerikanske fængslers langmodighed finder du i denne bog:
“FP: What about the prisons?
Sperry: This is a powder keg waiting to explode. Investigators tell me it’s the top recruiting ground for al-Qaida right now as it tries to lower its Arab profile. Al-Qaida sympathizers have landed jobs as Muslim chaplains, and are converting scores of black inmates to Islam. One federal chaplain—Warith Deen Umar—praised the 9/11 hijackers and told inmates America is a legitimate target of jihad. He preached hatred toward Jews and Christians, yet still received glowing evaluations from Washington, which is blind to this threat within the prison system. I also found out a sweet old nun—”Sister Sue” VanBaalen—is running the federal chaplaincy program, and the Islamist “scholars” she relies on to recruit Muslim chaplains have got her completely snowed.”
De kunne da idet mindste forsøge at få det til at ligne en rigtig tv-vogn…
Her er forresten en god historie:,2933,280096,00.html
– amerikanske fængsler forbyder islamisk litteratur. 🙂
Islamo – forklaringen på de amerikanske fængslers langmodighed finder du i denne bog:
“FP: What about the prisons?
Sperry: This is a powder keg waiting to explode. Investigators tell me it’s the top recruiting ground for al-Qaida right now as it tries to lower its Arab profile. Al-Qaida sympathizers have landed jobs as Muslim chaplains, and are converting scores of black inmates to Islam. One federal chaplain—Warith Deen Umar—praised the 9/11 hijackers and told inmates America is a legitimate target of jihad. He preached hatred toward Jews and Christians, yet still received glowing evaluations from Washington, which is blind to this threat within the prison system. I also found out a sweet old nun—”Sister Sue” VanBaalen—is running the federal chaplaincy program, and the Islamist “scholars” she relies on to recruit Muslim chaplains have got her completely snowed.”