2 Kommentarer

  1. Islamo – forklaringen på de amerikanske fængslers langmodighed finder du i denne bog:

    “FP: What about the prisons?

    Sperry: This is a powder keg waiting to explode. Investigators tell me it’s the top recruiting ground for al-Qaida right now as it tries to lower its Arab profile. Al-Qaida sympathizers have landed jobs as Muslim chaplains, and are converting scores of black inmates to Islam. One federal chaplain—Warith Deen Umar—praised the 9/11 hijackers and told inmates America is a legitimate target of jihad. He preached hatred toward Jews and Christians, yet still received glowing evaluations from Washington, which is blind to this threat within the prison system. I also found out a sweet old nun—”Sister Sue” VanBaalen—is running the federal chaplaincy program, and the Islamist “scholars” she relies on to recruit Muslim chaplains have got her completely snowed.”

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