Mød psykiateren Dr Aruna Khilanani fra Manhattan

Doctor gave Yale talk called ‘Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind’

A New York-based psychiatrist who was invited by Yale University to give a talk titled Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind told the audience that she had fantasized about ‘unloading a revolver into the head of any white person’ who got in her way. Dr Aruna Khilanani, who runs her own practice in Manhattan, delivered the talk virtually to medical students and faculty back in April after being invited by Yale School of Medicine’s Child Study Center.Audio of her 50-minute lecture was published on journalist Bari Weiss’ Substack blog on Friday.Khilanani, who has previously taught at Cornell, Columbia and New York universities, made a series of stunning comments during her talk that was largely based on the psychology behind ‘whiteness’.  ‘I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f**king favor,’ Khilanan …

How did Dr. K [Tweet her] get to America? She was born in Michigan, where her parents, two Doctors Khilanani (Prem and Urmilla ) both 1960s graduates of Dow Medical College in Karachi, Pakistan, have been practising in Troy, MI for many years.

That means, as far as I can figure out, that she’s one more unhappy result of the Immigration Act of 1965.

Troy, population 80, 000, was 82.30% White, 2.09% African American in the 2000 census, when Dr. K was younger. Dr. K would have been counted as “Asian” by the census, not black.

It turns out that Dr. K didn’t go to school on the slightly mean streets of Troy, she went to the Detroit Country Day School, 11 miles away in Beverly Hills, MI, tuition currently $34,125, where she was class of 1994.

GreatSchools doesn’t provide a racial breakdown for the school, but this promotional photo from Niche.com  gives you an idea:


However, sometimes the school prospectus writers will try to get all the blacks in the school in the recruiting photo.

In 2004, the DCDS bulletin The Bee had this to say about Dr. K.

After graduating from The University of Michigan with a Bachelor’s degree in English, Aruna Khilanani received a Master’s in English from the University of Chicago, where she focused on critical race theory, gender theory, Marxist critique, and post-colonial studies.  She is currently attending Medical School at the University of Illinois at Chicago as well as working at the show “Odyssey” on National Public Radio, a show that investigates the production of academic ideas and attempts to make them accessible to a mainstream audience. She hopes to pursue academic work at the juncture where medicine intersects race, gender, politics, sexuality, and class. She is heavily engaged in leftist politics and says she is glad and excited to run into DCD alumni at various talks and protests in Chicago, Washington D.C. and New York!

So why is this privileged, white-hating doctor like that?

BEMÆRK: National Public Radio (NPR) er en af DanMarx Radios foretrukne samarbejdspartnere med forbindelser til George Soros.

1 Kommentar

  1. Hun er psykisk syg, hvilket ofte er tilfældet med terapeuter. Deres interesse for at “forstå” sig selv leder til det at forstå andre og så er planen lagt.

    Hun er dog så langt ude i hampen at hun formentlig oplever ting der ikke sker og jeg kunne godt lide at vide om nogen i publikum forlod salen da hun afleverede de “tale”.

    Hun hader Hvide og hun er racist helt ind til benet. Hun er sandsynligvis ikke farlig for jeg tror at det er hende egen usikkerhed der taler og ikke en gennemtænkt rationel gennemgang af “Hvidhed” i nogen som helst fornuftig forstand.

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