Sort indbygger i Washington DC: “Black Lives matter er en farce – I burde tage til Chicago!”

‘Black Lives Matter Is a Joke’ — Black D.C. Resident Tells Far-Left Group ‘Go to Chicago’

“I don’t want our country to be portrayed like this,” said an African-now-American citizen, pointing to a group of George Floyd protesters in downtown Washington, DC, Sunday. Nestride Yumga, a D.C. resident, was told to shut up and leave when she voiced her opinion that Black Lives Matter protesters are “hypocrites.” “When black people kill black people, they don’t come out and do this crap.”

Fantastisk: en hvid kvinde påstår at Nestride Yumga er undertrykt 🙂

2 Kommentarer

  1. Den eneste fornuftige på den video er hende den sorte. Lidt morsomt at hendes meningsmodstandere er kridhvide 🙂

    Ps. Hun er enten af fransk eller kommer direkte fra afrika. Lyt til hendes accent .

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