StarBucks renomme styrtdykker efter virtuesignaling

Kan du huske at Starbucks annoncerede at ville ansætte 10000 flygtninge ?

Selvfølgelig for at vise for “gode” de er …

Prøv at se, hvad der er sket med Starbuck brand ( renomme):


Til Starbucks store overraskelse synes amerikanerne åbenbart:
at Starbucks skal lave kaffe og ikke propaganda

Payback is a bitch, ikke sandt Starbucks 🙂

Taget herfra, hvor du kan læse mere

Til gengæld går det godt her 🙂



Amerikanerne ER uforlignelige 🙂

1 Kommentar


    Fra Curmudgeonly&Skeptical:

    Also Nordstrom’s has been taking big hits. Here in Dallas a woman returned her Nordstrums card and she had been spending $1400 a year minimum to purchase a new suit. Some of the flyover country Nordstroms’s have had “store savers” calling up people and taking them out to dinner to try and talk them back to shopping at the store. There are a lot of companies feeling the bite from disgruntled buyers who don’t like politics with pruchasing.
    # posted by Blogger toadold : 2/26/17, 10:47 PM

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