Trump fjerner 200 millioner $ pæstilenserne skulle have haft

The Trump administration has decided to cut more than $200 million in bilateral aid to the Palestinians, following a review of the funding for projects in the West Bank and Gaza, the State Department said Friday.

“At the direction of President Trump, we have undertaken a review of U.S. assistance to the Palestinian Authority and in the West Bank and Gaza to ensure these funds are spent in accordance with U.S. national interests and provide value to the U.S. taxpayer,” the department said. “As a result of that review, at the direction of the president, we will redirect more than $200 million … originally planned for programs in the West Bank and Gaza.”

“This decision takes into account the challenges the international community faces in providing assistance in Gaza, where Hamas control endangers the lives of Gaza’s citizens and degrades an already dire humanitarian and economic situation,”

the notice said, without providing additional details.

Mere her

Det er jo godt for amerikanerne, men lad os se, om EU mener, de skal kompensere de 200 millioner $ med europæiske skatteborgeres penge? Det, tror jeg, er meget nærliggende at frygte.



2 Kommentarer

  1. Det har undret mig længe, at USA, selv med den gode Præsident Trump ved roret, er blevet ved med at fylde penge i den satans røverkule.
    Det glæder mig helt ud i storetåen, at man i det mindste har skåret beløbet ned.
    Der er i øvrigt ikke mange røde skiderikker, der er klar over, HVOR meget USA understøtter den satans røverkule.

  2. Og de “stakkels” pæstilensere er nu vrede på Trump

    Vi må vis græde os i søvn i nat …
    mvh trumfEs

    Hvordan kan det for øvrigt være “nødhjælp”, når “nøden” har varet 51 år ?

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