Tvungen ‘gleichschaltung’ af skoler i Illinois på vej

Compulsory Political Ideology For Illinois K-12 Teachers And Classrooms Moves Closer To Finalization

A sweeping, radical rule is pending for Illinois K-12 teachers that should prompt everyone, of all political stripes, to fear about the fundamental roles that teachers and classrooms are assigned to fulfill.

The rule, proposed by the Illinois State Board of Education, is called the Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards, or CRTL Standards. It will get final ratification on February 16 unless heavy opposition materializes.

As you will see, it’s no exaggeration to say the standards would tell teachers what they must think, believe and teach – in broad political terms — and they would disqualify teachers who don’t conform.

Læs beskrivelsen her.

GLEICHSCHALTUNG ~ the process by which the Nazi regime successively established a system of total control and co-ordination of all aspects of society. The government’s desire for total control impelled it to function as the only influence on society. ~

Gleichschaltung refers to the legal measures taken by the government during the 20 months that followed 30 January 1933, when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. It was a policy where the Nazi’s formed their own organisations with compulsory membership. A Nazi version of everything allowed them to control all aspects of German Life.

The Gleichschaltung affected the German population in particular young children.

How did it help Hitler rise and/ or consolidate his power?

Who was affected?


The Gleichschaltung helped Hitler rise to power because it provided him with the control he needed to rule over different aspects of German society. He was able to eradicate groups that he believed would threaten to overthrow his power and create new policies and organisations, fully understanding what the responsibilities of those groups were and provide himself with a sense of security knowing that he wasn’t under immediate threat.


At the age of 10 girls became part of the Jungmädel (Young Maidens) and at age 14 were enrolled in the Bund Deutscher Mädel (League of German Maidens). At 18 Bund Deutscher Madel members went generally to the eastern territory for their Pflichtdienst, or Landjahr and did a year of labor on a farm. (Military Services)

– Boys first served as apprentices in the Pimpfen (cubs), beginning at the age of 6, and at age 10, entered the Deutsches Jungvolk (Young German Boys) and served there until entering the Hitler Youth proper at age 14. Boys remained in the Hitler Youth proper until they were 18, at which time they entered into the Arbeitsdienst (Labor Service) and the armed forces (Wehrmacht).


How did it influence people’s attitudes toward Hitler, the Nazi’s and their regime?

Mothers and young children are happy to be meeting Adolf Hitler, unaware of the issues to arise, under the life of Hitler.


Nazis started talking differently and made people live by different rules.

This image depicts how the Nazis were placing thoughts and ideas into the heads of others (especially children) by living like a Nazi.

The Gleichschaltung changed people’s attitudes towards Hitler. The policies gave the public a sense of security and they were able to trust Hitler. He was keeping children occupied and educating them and he was also providing job opportunities for all aspects of the German population, young or old. One of the goals of the Gleichschaltung was to eliminate individualism which encouraged people who were also against it to vote for Hitler.

3 Kommentarer

  1. USA kan simpelthen ende som Tyskland i 30erne indenfor få måneder, med den hastighed, vi har set den illegitime præsident biden udspy forordninger i den sidste uge- og med en ungdom, der forekommer komplet fordummet og tæt ved 100% hjernevasket, også herhjemme, så er det nemt at komme til den konklusion at vi kraftigt nærmer os officiel totalitarisme om få måneder, med lidt hjælp fra coronapandemien, som har været en glimrende rambuk for de nuværende tilstande, så skal der ikke så meget til før befolkningen nu bare bøjer hovederne og går ind i kreaturvognene.
    Verden er en krudttønde lige nu. I 30erne var det nok med et totalitært Tyskland til at starte en verdenskrig. Hvad kan et totalitært USA så ikke afstedkomme nu?..

    • Inden det sker er jeg ret sikker på at der vil blive handlet fra Syden.
      (Praud-boys og andre som vil USA), samt politi og Hæren. De kan gøre det hvornår de vil, men det skal jo også være spiselig for omverdenen.

      Hvis det så er lige inden USA bliver til “Tyskland i 30’erne” Vil der blive skredet ind, om så er det totalt ligegyldig om det er spiselig eller ej.

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