WILDERS On Electing Trump: Politics will never be the Same Again

Dutch Parliament, 9 November 2016.The Dutch Freedom Party leader, Geert Wilders, names the victory election of Donald Trump a historical victory. From the 8th November “politics will never be the same again”.

The victory is a knock out for everything that stands for political correctness and muckraking. Wilders is convinced that the voters in Europe and the Netherlands will speak out against the old political (PC) establishment.


1 Kommentar

  1. Lad os håbe på, at Mr. Trump’s sejr vil være startskuddet til, at andre fornuftsstrømninger vil få luft under vingerne, Marine le Pen i Frankrig, Wilders i Holland, Nye borgerlige i DK, AfD i Tyskland, SD i Sverige osv.

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