Michael Flynn oplister her 10 kendsgerninger, der taler for seriøse undersøgelser af præsidentvalget 2020.
Hans analyse af dem er nu mere interessant for faste Hodja-læsere.
Analysis of the facts:
So what happens if the results of the audit(s) show 2020 election fraud, and that Trump won? What are the potential outcomes?
My sense is that there are three outcomes, along with a set of wildcard possibilities. Outcome one is that Biden and Harris resign — I see the probability of this as zero, and readers can make their own judgments as to why.
Outcome two is where states present recounted electoral votes to SCOTUS (our illustrious U.S. Supreme Court justices). What happens then?
There are four scenarios. In scenario one, SCOTUS declares the 2020 election invalid and suggests Congress reconvene and recount electoral votes — Biden and Harris are then replaced. In scenario two, SCOTUS declares the 2020 election invalid but says the president and vice president remain in office with limited powers to be specified (e.g., no executive orders, no veto power, only perfunctory roles, past executive orders are declared invalid and all are rescinded, and the vice president is not the presidential successor). In scenario three, SCOTUS declares the 2020 election invalid but the Biden administration remains in office (no loss of powers or authorities). In scenario four, SCOTUS completely sidesteps the states’ request and does nothing.
If scenario four plays out and SCOTUS sidesteps and avoids their responsibilities to examine the constitutionality of our election systems and processes, then enters outcome three. An outcome three decision has responsibility landing square on “states rights” found in the U.S. Constitution.
If this occurs, states have a set of options. They can reallocate their electoral votes based on the new audit results and replace those within their respective states who were illegitimately elected in 2020, including governors, state legislators and other state officers, as well as replace congressional members at the federal level (members of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate). And a states convention may be immediately held to decide on the presidency and vice presidency.
If the decision is to replace these top two positions, that would be unprecedented in U.S. history.
Bottom line, we have not been here before and yes, there remain many unclear constitutional issues in play. If new audits indicate fraudulent election outcomes in other states, we the people, through our states’ legislators, have somber and serious obligations to consider, if not for us then for future generations of American citizens.
Regardless of outcomes, the people of the United States have some very serious internal decisions to process. Do we choose a monopolistic state-controlled oligarchy, where the few control the many, or do we choose to remain a competitive free enterprise system under a republic form of government, where the many control the few?
Hvis der kommer til at ske andet end valgsvindlerne biden og kamal får lov til at blive siddende så bliver det en omvæltning at de helt store i verdenshistorien.
Jeg tror ikke der sker en skid. USA kan simpelthen ikke tåle en skandale i den størrelsesorden og alle involverede, domstole de to kamre og diverse partiforeninger ude i landet, ved det.
Prøv at forestille jer at en siddende præsident, plus hvem der ellers ryger med, bliver sendt i fængsel for valgsvindel. Hvem skal være Præsident efter sådan en sag og hvor længe får vedkommende lov til at sidde?
Så nix, der kommer ikke til at ske noget som helst andet end et tamt fyyyy og så bliver der ikke talt mere om det. Det er simpelthen for stor en forbrydelse overfor Amerikanerne at ingen ved hvad de skal stille op med den sag.
Men, lad Os se. Det kan være at jeg tager fuldstændig fejl og den menige Amerikaner selv rydder op bare for at få en eller anden form for retfærdighed.
Det er også en omvæltning af de helt store i verdenshistorien, hvis demokratiet i USA erstattes med et socialistisk diktatur.
Det vil også være en skandale som mange amerikanere ikke kan tåle.
I min og mange amerikaneres øjne vil den fremtid være endnu mere utænkelig.
Diverse audits er en sidste chance for USAs højesteret til at tage parti for folkestyret. Griber de ikke den, vil andre tage affære.