Amerikansk kampagne opfordrer til boykot mod tyske biler for at tvinge Tyskland til at forbyde HetZZbollah

Germany has refused to classify the Lebanon-based Shia paramilitary and political group Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation despite the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel pressuring allies to ban the group in what they say could deal a blow to Tehran’s influence in the Middle East.

The action was initiated by the newly formed Committee to Ban Hezbollah in Germany, which placed a full-page advertisement in the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles which reads, “Boycott the German car industry until Hezbollah is banned in Germany”.

The ad notes that despite Hezbollah’s involvement in the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing which killed 19 US airmen, “Germany allows Hezbollah to operate openly on its soil”.

“It’s time to send a message to the German government. Americans will not buy their cars while it allows the murderers of our soldiers to raise money, recruit and propagandise on German soil,” the ad reads.

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Så vidt jeg har kunnet se, er det ligefrem fradragsberettiget at give bidrag til HetZZbollah i Tyskland

Tip: O.S.

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