End racist discrimination against Afro-European people in the EU
- More focus in EU long-term budget for people of African descent
- Member states urged to end racial profiling in criminal law and counter-terrorism
- Call for reparations for crimes against humanity during European colonialism
- 15 million Afro-Europeans live in the EU
MEPs call on the EU and its member states to take measures to tackle the structural racism people of African descent face in Europe.
In a resolution adopted on Tuesday with 535 in favour to 80 votes against, and 44 abstentions, Parliament urges EU and national authorities to develop anti-racism policies and stop discrimination; in the fields of education, housing, health, criminal justice, political participation and migration.
In light of increasing afrophobic attacks, MEPs call on the European Commission and EU member states to acknowledge the racist, discriminatory and xenophobic suffering of Afro-Europeans, and offer proper protection against these inequalities to ensure that hate crimes are suitably investigated, prosecuted and sanctioned. Additionally, people of African descent should be taken into account more in current funding programmes and in the next multiannual financial framework (2021-2027).
Police custody and racial profiling
MEPs condemn the mistreatment of people of African descent in police custody, citing the numerous violent incidents and deaths that have occurred while in custody. They also note the frequent use of racial and ethnic profiling in criminal law enforcement, counter-terrorism measures and immigration control, and urge member states to end this practice.
Crimes against humanity during colonialism
The resolution encourages EU institutions and member states to address and rectify past injustices and crimes against humanity, perpetrated in the name of European colonialism. These historic crimes still have present day negative consequences for people of African descent, MEPs claim.
MEPs suggest carrying out reparations, such as apologising publicly and return stolen artefacts to their countries of origin. Parliament also calls on EU countries to declassify their colonial archives, as well as to present a comprehensive perspective on colonialism and slavery in the educational curricula.
Approximately 15 million people of African descent currently live in Europe. They face persistent discrimination and are subject to deeply rooted negative stereotyping.
Evidence suggests that Afro-European children receive lower grades at school than their white counterparts, and their rate of early school leaving is markedly highe
Jeg har aldrig haft en slave sort/hvid/rød og jeg kender ikke en eneste neger der nogensinde har plukket en tot bomuld så personligt har jeg intet at undskylde.
Slaver var en del af virkeligheden for flere hundrede år siden ligegyldigt hvilket kontinent man levede på. Skal man bebrejde nogen skulle det være araberne, saudi barbaria ophævede først slaveriet i 1962, sudan i 1992 og i mali og det sydvestlige afrika er der stadig tusindvis af slaver, så hvis man virkelig har en interesse i at “hjælpe” burde det være der man henvendte sig, IKKE hos os der rent faktisk afskaffede slaveriet som de første!