Hvorfor har vestlige ledere så travlt med at masse-importere indvandrere ?

det har “Former Ontario Member of Provincial Parliament” et interessant perspektiv på :

Taget fra Vlad

I have a few thoughts on his thoughts. First, his basic observations are accurate. Which makes him one of the few politicians willing to go along with the evidence of his sense. Which also explains why he is no longer a politician. But his estimate of why this mass migration to Western countries is happening is not, in our opinion of course, correct. He is confusing the qui bono of it with the reason for it. While his assessment of the mass migration is a sort of ponzi scheme for certain businesses is certainly true, that goes to explaining why certain private enterprises support it. But not why it is happening. He does get to that though. The fact that mass migration means more government control. We at Vlad Tepes believe this is total and apocalyptic aufheben der kultur. The total obliteration of Western culture, people, history, laws and frame of reference including and especially, the notion of the individual and the rights that follow in a society that is based on the individual.

Also the mass migration into the West started well before 2015 and then it went into high gear, 5 years before Covid. So again, I think Randy points out an opportunistic benefit for those who are in control, but it isn’t a cause. It’s a happy effect from the PoV of The Party.

Randy is a man of exceptionally high character. I have witnessed him personally intercede on behalf of a group of trucks that had been sequestered by ANTIFA during the freedom convoy of 2021, although frankly, kidnapped and extortion would be a better word, and since the trucks were not allowed to leave unless they made political concessions, terrorism could be applied as a label, and would be if non-leftists did that to leftists. Randy went in when police would not. And it was below -30 that day. At that temperature it doesn’t really matter if it was F or C. As I recall, Randy did manage to get their release.

Taget fra Vlad

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