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IMPACT-se recently reviewed textbooks from Ireland for anti-Jewish bias.
It found that in general they were good, but there were some problems.
They noted this table from Inspire – Wisdom of the World. Junior Cycle Religious Education. 7th–9th Class. by Michael Purcell & Ailís Travers, (2020), that compared how the five major religions looked upon peace and war.
While they framed Christianity and Islam as always striving for peace, Judaism is the only one that believes in violence and war for “justice.”
For the other religions, war is considered a last resort only under extraordinary conditions; in Judaism it is normalized and Jewish teachings promoting peace are ignored.
In a separate section, the book takes pains to say that jihad means primarily “spiritual struggle” for most Muslims:
Compare to how it is defined in Arabic Wikipedia:
Jihad or Jihad in the way of Allah is an Islamic term that means all actions or words that are done to spread Islam, or to repel an enemy targeting Muslims, or to liberate a Muslim land , or to help a Muslim or Muslims in general….
Jihad has levels, some of which are obligatory for every accountable person, and some of which are a communal obligation … Jihad against the self and jihad against Satan are obligatory for every accountable person, and jihad against the hypocrites , infidels , and the masters of injustice, innovations, and evils is an individual obligation . Jihad against the infidels by hand may be obligatory for every capable person in certain situations. Ibn al-Qayyim said : “ Jihad has four levels: Jihad against the self, jihad against Satan, jihad against the infidels, and jihad against the hypocrites . ”
The book is whitewashing what jihad means to most Muslims.
There are some other inaccuracies in the book not mentioned by IMPACT-se. It says that Jews perform pilgrimage to “the Wailing Wall” which is not the Jewish name for it; it refers to Jesus as living in “Palestine,” it says that Jews only go to synagogue once a week, it describes the Ten Commandments in the Judaism section but uses the Christian system for numbering them. There is very little about how Judaism evolved since 70 CE.
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Ikke underligt at Irland er et af de mest Israel-hadende lande i EU 🙁
For en del år siden var jeg i Irland til jobsamtale hos Apple i Cork, og det var en online samtale m hovedkontoret i Cupertino. Alt betalt med hotel og fly, men jeg glemmer aldrig, hvor militæragtigt og trist, Apples hovedkontor var. Lidt som en militærbunker. Med hvad jeg ved i dag, er jeg glad for, at jeg ikke fik jobbet, for det ville sandsynligvis have medført, at jeg skulle flytte til Californien, og den klamme homostat skal jeg aldrig besøge igen!
Nå, men en anden ting jeg bemærkede ved irland var, at Cork var ufatteligt nedslidt, flere huse lignede noget fra krigens tid, hvor træplader var sat over ituslåede vinduer. Folk så sølle ud, og det var en vildt kold novemberdag, såvidt jeg husker, og langt de fleste havde elendigt tøj på. Ja, det var så grelt, at ikke engang i de mellemøstlige lande ser man sådant. Jeg husker billeder af de mange ‘stakkels flygtninge’ i Tyskland, i Northface jakker osv og med de nyeste iPhones… Irerne ser så fattige ud, at man ikke fatter det.
Taxichaufføren, der hentede mig i lufthavnen, fortalte, at der var så mange taxichauffører i Dublin, og folk kunne ikke få det til at løbe rundt. Nogle dage tjente han kun ganske få pund. Han stank så meget af øl og kørte faktisk ret usikkert, og jeg var nervøs over den tur. En stakkels pjalt var han. Dette var i 2010.
Det må være en komiker – ELLER en muhammedaner (kombinationen af de to findes ikke) der har skrevet de barokke generaliseringer af trosretningerne.
Med perler som disse:
“Islam er fortaler for FRED og imod udøvelsen af VOLD – og (vil) forsvare islam (men ikke sprede islam)…”
Boy, thats’s rich!😳
Det er SÅ tykt, at selv et barn i 9.klasse burde ku’ se “komikken” og propagandaen! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂👍