Kamala Harris har fundet et nyt hurrah ord : “holistically”. Så du kan nok regne ud at det ord bruger hun i hver sætning

Sandsynligvis ANER hun ikke, hvad det ord betyder, men det lyder flot og så kan det jo bruges til at undgå at svare på konkrete spørgsmål 🙁

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Kamala delivers another load of evasive gibberish to fawning MSNBC interviewer

By Monica Showalter

Kamala Harris doesn’t have any idea what she’s doing, let alone any idea about what she’ll do if she gets into the Oval Office.

That was obvious enough from her second interview with Stephanie Ruhle on MSNBC, apparently the only interviewer she trusts won’t make her look stupid, and still she looked stupid. No matter, though, Ruhle tried to spin for her afterward.

Among other things, Harris repeated herself, like someone who doesn’t know what to say, or who’s used to not being listened to:

She completely blew it on economics, babbling about price-gouging and ignoring a specific question about price controls:

She spewed more rubbish about financing the multi-trillion dollar national debt through taxing the rich, as if they even have enough money for her kind of spending plans, never mind if they flee the country, taking their investment cash with them. She ignored that part of Ruhle’s question:

Taget herfra

Kamala Harris giver KUN interviews til specielle fake-news-msm/personer, hun VED vil give hende den blødeste behandling

Hun har f.eks. IKKE afholdt en eneste ægte pressekonference, hvor hun kuunne risikere at få væmmelige spørgsmål …

Og ALLIGEVEL kan og VIL hun ikke svare på de simpleste spørgsmål …

her er jesse watters

1 Kommentar

  1. “Looking holistically at the connection between that and housing and looking holistically at the incentives we in the federal government can create for local and state governments to actually engage in planning in a holistic manner that includes prioritizing affordable housing”

    Dette holistiske ordsalat skulle vist betyde noget med, at Kamelen gerne vil prioritere billigere boliger til folket.

    Standardvalgflæsk for en utopisk socialist ligesom Rit Bjerregaards løfte i sin tid om billigere boliger til københavnerne, et løfte der selvfølgelig ikke kunne opfyldes. Men Rit kunne da i det mindste sige valgflæsket, så urealismen kunne forstås.

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