Se hvor forkælede og gakkede Twitters medarbejdere er 29. oktober 2022 Hodja Elon Musk, google youtube facebook twitter censur, USA 2 I Can’t Wait For Elon To Fire These Spoiled Twitter Employees TweetPinShare0 Shares
Minder om den panik Trumps valgsejr skabte hos google A video recorded by Google shortly after the 2016 presidential election reveals an atmosphere of panic and dismay amongst the tech giant’s leadership, coupled with a determination to thwart both the Trump agenda and the broader populist movement emerging around the globe. Svar
Tænk at få løn for det der. Jeg håber han fyrer 85 % af medarbejderne.
Minder om den panik Trumps valgsejr skabte hos google
A video recorded by Google shortly after the 2016 presidential election reveals an atmosphere of panic and dismay amongst the tech giant’s leadership, coupled with a determination to thwart both the Trump agenda and the broader populist movement emerging around the globe.