“Trump assassination attempt: Whistleblowers claim that they were ‘woefully unprepared’ to provide security” + Bongino om 6 jan “bombemanden” !

Det virker mere og mere som om det var med vilje , for SÅ meget inkompetence på SÅ mange områder på præcis SAMME tidspunkt lyder IKKE sandsynligt …

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Whistleblowers have told Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., that Secret Service personnel are “woefully unprepared” and given inadequate training to properly protect candidates – including former President Trump – in new claims regarding the assassination attempt against the Republican presidential nominee.

Hawley appeared on “Jesse Watters Primetime” Tuesday night to reveal whistleblowers’ claims that when Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents were reassigned to work on the protective details, they were given a single two-hour webinar on Microsoft Teams.

The videos were pre-recorded, with whistleblowers allegedly saying that the videos were riddled with technical mishaps.

“Imagine 1,000 people logging onto Microsoft Teams at the same time after being informed at the last minute that everyone needed to login individually,” one whistleblower told Hawley. “Once it got rolling, the Secret Service instructor couldn’t figure out how to get the audio working on the prerecorded videos [which I’m told are the same videos as last year]. All told, they restarted the videos approximately six times …. The content was not helpful.” 

The whistleblowers further claimed that these same two-hour webinars have not been updated since the assassination attempt against Trump on July 13

“Nothing new, nothing improved since the assassination attempt on former President Trump,” one whistleblower told Hawley.

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Det er ikke den eneste historie, som tyder på massiv informationssvindel fra FBI :

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