Vestlige ambassadører støtter Israel og bliver væk fra Nagasaki, fordi Israel IKKE blev inviteret

For en gangs skyld en stærk og klog reaktion ! Mon ikke hamas-zombierne i Nagasaki fortryder deres knæfald for hamas 🙂

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TOKYO, Japan — Ambassadors from Western countries including the United States will skip a ceremony marking the 79th anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki after Israel was snubbed, officials say.

Nagasaki’s mayor said last week that Israel’s ambassador Gilad Cohen was not invited to Friday’s event in the southern Japanese city because of the risk of possible protests over the Gaza conflict.

The US and British embassies say that their ambassadors would not take part as a result and that their countries would be represented by lower-ranking diplomats.

Media reports say that Australia, Italy, Canada, and the European Union, which together with the United States, Britain, and Germany signed a strongly worded joint letter to Nagasaki’s mayor last month, would follow suit.

US Ambassador Rahm Emanuel will not attend “after the mayor of Nagasaki politicized the event by not inviting the Israeli ambassador,” an embassy spokesperson tells AFP.

Instead, Emanuel, 64, who was ex-US president Barack Obama’s chief of staff, will go to a separate event at a temple in Tokyo, the spokesperson says.

The British embassy states that Ambassador Julia Longbottom would also not be in Nagasaki, saying that not inviting Israel “creates an unfortunate and misleading equivalency with Russia and Belarus — the only other countries not invited to this year’s ceremony.”

A spokesperson for the French embassy says that its number two would attend, telling AFP that the “decision not to invite the representative of Israel is regrettable and questionable.”

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Jeg kan tage fejl, men skal vi gætte på at Fadbamsen deltager / sender ambassadør … ?

1 Kommentar

  1. British Ambassador Julia LANGBALLE, (brilliant!😆) udebliver sammen med et stort kontingent øvrige ambassadører.
    Men hvis cateringen er god, er der en go’ chance for, vi vil se landets Overdhimmie og største Sell-Out, Team Rynkebys spydspids, Lille Lars fra Græsted tage flyveren til Solens og Sushiens Rige.
    Denne regeringens svar på Kjeld fra “Olsenbanden” – der altid var at finde ved buffetten…
    Vi ka’ derfor allerede nu udelukke, Lille Lars har slugt en masse frisk luft under een af sine cykelture, for at kunne “fylde jakkesættet ud”😂

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