YES : “Trump Nominates Kash Patel for FBI Director” opdateret 2 x

Kash Patel er den mand, som deep-state-slynglerne i chef-laget af FBI frygter mest ! For Patel har selv været udsat for deres forfølgelse

Så når hans udpegning når igennem senatet – der er jo desværre stadig en 3-5 RINOs der – så er han manden , der skal rydde HELT op i det korrupte FBI cheflag 🙂

Mon ikke Trump på dag 1 smider den swamp-svindler Wrai UD på røv og albuer

Lige den mand, jeg håbede at Trump ville vælge 🙂

“Kash did an incredible job during my First Term, where he served as Chief of Staff at the Department of Defense, Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and Senior Director for Counterterrorism at the National Security Council. Kash has also tried over 60 jury trials,” Trump wrote.”

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President-elect Donald Trump has announced the nomination of former public defender Kash Patel to serve as FBI director in his administration.

“I am proud to announce that Kashyap ‘Kash’ Patel will serve as the next Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” Trump wrote in a post on social media on Nov. 30. “Kash is a brilliant lawyer, investigator, and ‘America First’ fighter who has spent his career exposing corruption, defending Justice, and protecting the American People.”

Patel, who served as chief of staff to the acting secretary of defense during Trump’s first term in office, has been critical of the way the FBI operates. In a recent interview, Patel said he would shut down the bureau’s headquarters in Washington, and turn it into a museum, relocating the agency to outside the Beltway.

“I‘d shut down the FBI Hoover Building on day one and reopen the next day as a museum of the deep state. And I’d take the 7,000 employees that work in that building and send them across America to chase down criminals,” he said.

Trump said that Patel played a key role in revealing what he described as the Russia collusion “hoax” and that he would advocate for “truth, accountability, and the Constitution.”

“Kash did an incredible job during my First Term, where he served as Chief of Staff at the Department of Defense, Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and Senior Director for Counterterrorism at the National Security Council. Kash has also tried over 60 jury trials,” Trump wrote.

“This FBI will end the growing crime epidemic in America, dismantle the migrant criminal gangs, and stop the evil scourge of human and drug trafficking across the Border. Kash will work under our great Attorney General, Pam Bondi, to bring back Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity to the FBI.”

Patel, who is also a contributor to The Epoch Times, reacted to the news in a brief post on social media: “Thank you Everyone#Victory”

In his upcoming role, pending Senate confirmation, Patel will work closely with Bondi, who was recently nominated by Trump to lead the Justice Department.

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) recently told Fox News that he would back Patel, describing him as a “great” and “smart” candidate who “knows a lot about law enforcement.”

“He’s loyal to the president. And those are pretty much the top requirements,” he said.

Patel is aligned with Trump’s view that the nation’s law enforcement and national security agencies require a thorough overhaul to address perceived bias and to hold them accountable for what Trump and his allies have described as unwarranted investigations and prosecutions.

In his bestselling memoir titled “Government Gangsters,” Patel describes the current political moment as a “battle between the people and a corrupt ruling class,” identifying key figures and strategies he believes have been used by this permanent government bureaucracy to undermine elected officials and shift power away from voters.

The book has been endorsed by Trump, who described it as a “brilliant roadmap highlighting every corrupt actor, to ultimately return our agencies and departments to work for the American People.”

Trump’s nomination of Patel as the next FBI director signals a challenge to what critics have increasingly referred to as a “two-tier system of justice” within the federal government. Patel’s record of exposing corruption and advocating for structural reforms within national security agencies aligns with Trump’s stated vision of dismantling what he describes as the entrenched “deep state.”

In an op-ed published in The Epoch Times in 2023, Patel described the current federal apparatus as being dominated by an elite class that has “weaponized” the government, resulting in uneven application of justice. He argues in the piece that the issues are not isolated incidents but part of a deliberate pattern to maintain power and suppress accountability.

“The two-tier system of justice is not Democrats versus Republicans,” Patel wrote. “It is anyone who is part of the administrative state and the D.C. beltway versus those who seek to destroy this political demon of the deep state. It is government gangsters against everyone else.”

Patel emphasized that his critiques are aimed at the leadership of federal agencies and not the “boots on the ground” law enforcement officers, whom he considers heroes dedicated to upholding justice and serving the American people.

“They investigate real crimes, protect the public from acts of terror, and root out rampant corruption,” Patel wrote. “These men and women across the country serving in all agencies remain heroes and are equally as frustrated with the leadership at the top of our federal government.”

Current FBI Director Christopher Wray has served in that role since 2017 after Trump fired James Comey and nominated Wray for the job. Prior to that, Wray served as a federal prosecutor and a Justice Department official. Normally, FBI directors are selected to serve 10 years, meaning Wray would not have to step down until 2027.

If confirmed, Patel’s tenure could mark a significant shift in the culture and operations at the FBI.

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Kan du huske disse – af FBI – iscenesatte løgne om Trump “hemmelige papirer ?

Det var FBI, der åbnede Trumps arkiver og fik det til at se ud som om Trump bare havde smidt det hele på gulvet …


( videoen er fra lige før Kash Patel blev nomineret som FBI director)

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Her er en fox news video om ham

Her er en anden nominering fra Trump:

Når dømte forbrydere af denne slags er bange for Kash Pate, viser det jo blot at Kash Patel er den RETTE mand på den post 🙂 🙂

Her er en artikel af Hans Rustad om det:

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Trump vil have Kash Patel som ny FBI-direktør

Trump siger, at han vil erstatte Christopher Wray med Kash Patel som FBI-direktør. Patel er meget kompetent. Men han er en svoren fjende af den dybe stat og ønsker at rydde op i den. Netop fordi han kender systemet indefra, er han farlig. Mange har håbet, at Patel ville få jobbet.

Trump annoncerede Patels udnævnelse i et indlæg på Truth Social lørdag.

Patel har været en del af Trumps overgangsteam, der arbejdede fra Mar-a-Lago, ikke Washington. Erfaringsmæssigt arbejder et overgangshold normalt sammen med FBI, som undersøger kandidater. Men ikke denne gang. Trump-holdet brændte sig virkelig i 2016. De vil ikke have nogen løse ender denne gang.

Med udnævnelsen af Patel viser Trump, at han mener det alvorligt. Han kan arbejde sammen med den nye justitsminister Pam Bondi, John Ratcliffe som ny CIA-direktør, Tulsi Gabbard som ODNI, Sebastian Gorka som antiterrorekspert og Pete Hegseth som ny forsvarsminister.

Trump får et meget stærkt hold. Der har ikke været noget spillerum. Mike Rogers blev nævnt som ny chef for FBI, hvilket skabte panik i Maga-lejren. Han tilhører den dybe stat og kan ødelægge Team Trump indefra. Det er ikke klart, hvor rygtet kom fra.

Patel har arbejdet som føderal anklager, han har arbejdet i justitsministeriet som efterforsker af terrorisme, og han var højre hånd for repræsentant Devin Nunes, da han undersøgte, om der var hold i anklagerne om Russia collusion. Han og Patel interviewede 60 vidner, som alle som én sagde, at de aldrig havde set beviser på nogen form for Russia collusion. Men de sagde noget helt andet til omverdenen.

Patel har udtalt, at de ansvarlige for Russiagate skal stilles til ansvar. Kun én advokat, Kevin Clinesmith, blev stillet for retten, men straffen var som et slag over fingrene.

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