Angry Foreigner har været en tur i Tyskland: Hvordan multikulturalisme ødelægger turismen

My Trip to Germany ~ How Multiculturalism Ruins Tourism

Not easy being a tourist.

Went to Germany for some fun but encountered multiculturalism instead.

After a long while I accidentally found out that the central station, where we booked our hotel, is a no-go zone. Good times.

Germans have become a minority in Frankfurt:

”For the Nordic countries to afford their welfare states they need to have 80% of their adults in the workforce, but labour-force participation among non-European immigrants is much lower than that. In Sweden only 51% of non-Europeans have a job, compared with over 84% of native Swedes”:…

And do keep in mind those unemployment rates are pretty consistent over a 10-15 year time period.

Don’t miss Paul’s video on Paris: And London:

He captures very well what “diversity” does to European nations, and how that colours the experiences of tourists. They will encounter a new kind of culture shock called multicultureshock.


1 Kommentar

  1. OT
    Ang. Midtmejsvalg i USA. Bør læses. Demokrater i UAS er og bliver Forrædere.

    01.11.2018 KL. 21:48
    Udtalelse fra Trump vækker harme: »Det her er Donald, når han er værst«
    På tærsklen til midtvejsvalget har Donald Trump endnu engang hevet sin kampagne i en kontroversiel retning med anklager mod demokraterne.
    Manden har jo ret.

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