Billedsag i Canada i 2005


Canada har sin egen billedsag. Denne tegning blev bragt i Toronto Sun den 24. juli 2005. Den forestiller Saddam Husseins 2 sønner Odai og Qusai, der ankommer til paradis og modtages af en sheikh og 2 jomfruer.

“The portrayal of such reputedly infamous men as Odai and Qusai Hussein being rewarded with obese virgins by God who is portrayed as an Arab steeps the Islamic creed in derision and incites contempt toward the beliefs which are cherished by hundreds of millions of Muslims worldwide,” David Kolinsky, Toronto, wroteJeewan Chanicka, Toronto, said: “It is abhorrent and extremely rude that you would choose to make fun of two criminals by linking them to the faith of over one billion people. Such immature and vile depictions only serve to reinforce stereotypes and link criminal activity to a people’s faith and belief system.”

Concluding his speech, Sheikh Tamir demanded the daily publish a formal apology for Muslims and hold the caricaturist accountable for offending the Muslims’ faith.

“Muslims can never accept but a formal apology from the Toronto Sun and a trial for Caricaturist Andy Donato; otherwise a legal action should be taken to restore Muslims’ rights.”



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