4 Kommentarer

  1. Det er lige slået ned i mig: Deadline har gjort vennerne på Politiken en tjeneste ved at promote deres nye elektroniske blog-tillæg. Var det i virkeligheden det, det handlede om? I det mindste fik Jarls blog også reklame…

  2. Sjovt at det var politikkens blogger der måtte sige, sådan lidt lavt, at ingen af de omtalte blogs var højre ekstramistiske. Studieværtens synspunkt var klart, allah blogs som var nationale eller liberale er jo en røverrede for Johnny fra Greve og det slæng.

  3. Citatet synes at være fra en tale af Bob Dylan ikke fra en sang:
    Viser hele talen.

    “…You might look for some of it in Dylan’s off-the-cuff address at the December 13th, 1963 Emergency Civil Liberties Committee fund raising dinner, where they presented him with the Tom Paine Award. He proceeded to give a speech which put a big dent in their fund raising that night –

    There’s no black and white, left and right to me anymore; there’s only up and down and down is very close to the ground. And I’m trying to go up without thinking of anything trivial such as politics.

    When later in the speech (which took place 3 weeks after the assassination of JFK) he said that he “saw some of myself” in Lee Harvey Oswald, the crowd’s discomfit turned to outward hostility….”

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