Britisk bank samarbejder med det fascistiske politi om at chikanere det lovlige demokratiske parti Britain First

Paul Golding <> Afmeld12.02 (for 8 timer siden)
til mig
Britain First


When I was arrested by the corrupt Wakefield Police bullies just before the recent parliamentary by-election, they confiscated my wallet and photocopied all of my bank cards.

The very next day, I logged into the online banking app for my personal account to find my account had been frozen.

It stayed that way for the next five weeks, until I got an email asking various questions.

The second question on the list was:

“Are you currently affiliate to a political party? If so, what is your role in the political party?”

I answered honestly and, surprise surprise, they emailed back immediately saying:

“As with all our customers, we need to make sure you use your account in a way that’s safe and secure. Unfortunately this means we’ve had to close your account.”

The bank in question is still withholding the funds I had in the account.

After my arrest, I started taking legal action against Wakefield Police, first to overturn my ridiculous draconian bail conditions (which was successful), then to retrieve the white Battle Bus (which was successful).

Now I am suing Wakefield Police again to retrieve my mobile phone.

I am still waiting on a date for a full court hearing to decide the matter.

The constant legal onslaught against Wakefield Police must be really unsettling them.

What better way to sabotage my legal war against them than by forcing the bank who provides Britain First with an account to close it?

This is now exactly what has happened.

First my personal account has been closed down and now the Britain First account has been closed down.

I have no doubt whatsoever that Wakefield Police is behind this.

When they arrested me, they took me to Normanton Police station near Leeds.

When I was booked in to the custody suite, they took my wallet and photocopied all of my bank cards.

All of those bank accounts have now been closed down.

A coincidence? Or blatant fascist sabotage by Wakefield Police?

I truly believe the closure of my personal account and the party’s account is due to pressure from Wakefield Police.

This is the kind of country we live in now, a fascist Police State.

I have instructed our legal representatives to email Wakefield Police and demand answers.

They cannot be allowed to get away with this.

So far, due purely to an easily-disprovable false allegation from a Muslim connected to the Labour Party, Wakefield Police have arrested me, kept me in custody for twelve hours, banned me from an entire town, seized my vehicle, confiscated my mobile phone, and got my bank account closed down.

They have done all of this, and I haven’t even been charged with a crime!

I’d get better treatment if I was an Islamist terrorist!

I am scrambling to find an alternative financial arrangement but it’s no exaggeration to say that these acts of sabotage have caused enormous problems for HQ.

I don’t want to allow the Police State bullies to grind us down so, if you can, please help HQ overcome this predicament by chipping in with a donation.

Your help and assistance right now would be enormously beneficial to our party.

Chip in below:

PS: I will update all of our supporters when there are new developments in this evolving situation. I will not allow the Police State to get away with sabotage and persecution without a determined fight-back. Watch this space.

Yours sincerely
Paul Golding
Leader, Britain FirstFollow Britain First on Gab, the only anti-censorship social network:

2 Kommentarer

  1. Tilstandene i flere europæiske lande
    er foruroligende. Vi europæere har
    grund til at være dybt bekymrede.
    England lader til at være på vej mod
    et fascistisk regime i en del områder,
    og måske i hele England. I Frankrig,
    Tyskland og Italien går det heller
    ikke godt, og feminister regerer nu
    både Sverige, Finland og Danmark. Ja,
    i en lang række lande lader det til
    at mændene har opgivet ævret, og er
    blevet til dørmåtter og untermenchen
    overfor kvinderne.

    Er det endelig mænd der sidder på magten,
    lader de også til at være gået væk fra
    det med ordentlighed, rationalitet og
    fornuft. Se Biden og dem i Nato, Wef,
    Who og FN.

    Menige borgere har vist også givet op.
    Ingen interesserer sig for forslag der
    måske kan hindre Titanic-Danmark i at synke.

  2. Vi vidste det godt fra behandlingen af Tommy Robinson !!!!

    Det er svinsk og vi lever i post- demokratiske periode

    Kleptokratierne og billinærerne har lavet en alliance med marxisterne og det er ikke smukt ( marxisterne tror de får noget ud af det : her er det tilladt at grine bittert !!!

    Boycot alle store firmaer og særligt de som deltager i det private World Economic Forum i Dav0s ( samlingsstedet for globalisternes DVS billionæerne og kleptokratierne =diktaturstaterne)

    Boycot ! Det gælder jeres fremtid og jeres børns

    De laver fri indvandring, nedlukning, lukker bank konti og køber politikerne for at udslette Vesten !!!!!!!!


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