Chefen for Londons Politi Cressida Dick om ofrene for terroren ved London Bridge

British Police Chief Praises the Diversity of Victims of the London Bridge Attacks.

The Commissioner had some mind boggling comments for the The Associated Press in an interview Saturday (Via Breitbart):

“In terms of our witnesses that we’ve spoken to so far, out of the 300-odd people, there are about 20 different countries of origin. And the London British population comes from all kinds of backgrounds and every kind of faith and ethnicity.”

“We believe of course that that’s what makes our city so great,” discussing the multiculturalism of the city.

“It’s a place where the vast majority of time it’s incredibly integrated and that diversity gives us strength.”

The commissioner is seemingly unable to confront the uncomfortable truth that cultural diversity is the root problem in regards to Islamic terrorism.

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