Last night on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” Bob Simon interviewed Elian Gonzalez, who is now 11 years old and living in Cuba.
Predictably, the interview touched off a minor “El Nino” event in far-reaching corners of the blogosphere.
“Did you see last night’s shameless ’60 Minutes’ interview of Elian Gonzalez, five years later?” asks Debbie Schlussel on “Clearly, the boy has been brainwashed to the nth degree. You’d have to be brainwashed to call Fidel Castro your ‘friend’ and ‘father.’
“I blame CBS, ’60 Minutes,’ and left-wing reporter Bob Simon for helping perpetrate this farce of an interview/’report,'” continues Schlussel. “Simon let Elian go on and on about how he missed his father when he was in Miami. Reality Check: Elian’s parents were divorced, his mother was his sole caretaker, and he barely ever saw or even knew his father. Where was Bob Simon on this point?”
Others simply felt bad for Elian. “I feel so horribly for this boy,” writes Merchants And Thieves. “He is being brainwashed by both the Americans and the Cubans, caught in a crossfire, being made an archetype, a symbolic figure, communism against democracy.”
Sympathy aside, KillCastro sees the interview as just another example of CBS’s longstanding romance with the Cuban leader, referring to the station as the “Communist Broadcast Service.”
Bare lige for at sætte et andet perspektiv på CBS’ 60-minutes udsendelse om Danmark.
Her i landet angives 60-minutes jo som det bedste USA-TV der findes.
Interessant. Sætter udsendelsen endnu mere i perspektiv. Ufatteligt, at oplyste danskere ikke kan se, hvor ensidig belyst den udsendelse er. Får jo, STOP TV på TV Danmark til at ligne en Jørgen Thorsen “Eksistens” udsendelse.
Personal blogs have dropped in quality nowadays, it seems everyone run them
for a commercial reason
Will defo be returning, ’tis a great site