Den morderiske slyngel Che Guevara

Che Guevara, who aided Fidel Castro in his rise to power in Cuba in the late 1950s and early 1960s, is today an icon of liberal culture worldwide.

His picture and image adorn countless products, from posters to t-shirts to CD cases to bikinis.

Robert Redford made a 2004 movie about Guevara, “The Motorcycle Diaries,” which won media praise and an Academy Award. Two more Guevara movies are due for release in 2008.

Yet the liberal-left and Hollywood are perpetuating myths, if not outright lies, about Guevara, according to author Humberto Fontova in his book, “Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him.”

Fontova discussed with Cybercast News Service his new book and what he describes as the real Guevara – the man who directly helped Castro put into place a communist regime responsible for at least 102,000 deaths and which has cycled 500,000 people through its gulag.

Her er første del af interviewet og anden del.


Cybercast News Service: What do you consider to be some of Guevara’s greatest crimes or offenses that people today should know about?

Humberto Fontova: He was the chief executioner. He performed for the Cuban revolution what Heinrich Himmler performed for the Nazis. Everything Che Guevara did was directed by Fidel Castro. Early on, when they were in the mountains, Castro realized that Che seemed to relish executing little farm boys. There were executions carried out, carried out in the mountains, of so-called informers. I interviewed many people who witnessed those executions. There was no due process.

Che Guevara wrote a letter to his father in 1957 and to his abandoned wife. In the letter to her, he wrote, “I’m here in Cuba’s hills, alive and thirsting for blood.” Then, to his father, “I really like killing.” The man was a clinical sadist, whereas Fidel Castro you could describe as a psychopath in that the murders did not affect him one way or the other. It was a means to an end – the consolidation of his one-man rule. Che has a famous quote, where he wrote, a revolutionary has to become “a cold killing machine.” The thing was, Che Guevara was anything but cold. He was a warm killing machine. He relished the slaughter.


2 Kommentarer

  1. Bestemt en spændene vinkel. Men altså for det første handler Redfords film jo overhoved ikke om Che’s senere liv og desuden er der også masse af andre film om dumme folk (Der Untergang) som har vundet priser. Desuden er Humberto Fontova eksilkubaner, bush støtter og super højreorienteret. Han minder mest af alt om højreorienteret Michael Moore som selv venstreorienterede ved man ikke skal tage alt for seriøst.

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