Denne rapport fra Human Rights Watch har DR vist ikke omtalt?

Attacks on Northern Israel Violated Laws of War.

During the 2006 war, Hezbollah fired thousands of rockets indiscriminately and at times deliberately at civilian areas in northern Israel, killing at least 39 civilians, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Human Rights Watch said that Hezbollah’s justifications for its attacks on Israeli towns – as a response to indiscriminate Israeli fire into southern Lebanon and to draw Israel into a ground war – had no legal basis under the laws of war.

The 128-page report, “Civilians under Assault: Hezbollah’s Rocket Attacks on Israel in the 2006 War,” presents more than 20 case studies based on extensive field research in northern Israel into rocket attacks that killed or injured civilians in Jewish, Arab and mixed villages, towns and cities. It also draws evidence of Hezbollah’s intent behind these rocket attacks from more than 100 Hezbollah communiques and declarations.  
“Hezbollah’s explanations for why it fired rockets at Israel’s civilian population utterly fail to justify these unlawful attacks,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, director of Human Rights Watch’s Middle East and North Africa division.  


En ting er sikkert. Hvis rapporten havde kritiseret Danmark eller Israel, havde DR nærmest være ude med den i alle Radio- og TV-Aviser i flere dage – sikkert endog FØR udgivelsen. Det må være beskæmmende for de forskellige nødhjælpsorganisationer, der ensidigt støttede den islamistiske side i konflikten. Og ikke mindst må det være en bitter pille at sluge for de danske politikere og venstrefløjen, der i fuld offentlighed stillede sig op og talte om ‘solidaritet’ med aggressorerne under terroristbannere i København – for slet ikke at tale om alle de nyttige idioter, der også gik med i demonstrationer vendt mod Israel og USA i mange provinsbyer.


Foto Thomas Lønbæk

Så det er sikkert ingen tilfældighed, at medierne sikkert gerne vil tie denne rapport ihjel.

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