Durham finder flere og flere beviser på konspiration bag de falske anklager mod Donald Trump

Special Counsel Durham Sees ‘Clinton Collusion’ Behind False Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax

The collusion behind the collusion hoax – Special Counsel John Durham, who has been reviewing the origins of the 2016-2017 FBI investigation of the now disproven Trump–Russia collusion hoax, now believes that several Hillary Clinton-allied groups played a coordinating role in pushing the false claims against former President Trump.

In May 2017, amidst a Democrat-fueled ‘Russia-collusion’ media frenzy against Trump, special counsel and former FBI chief Robert Mueller found there was no Trump-Russia collusion to sway the 2016 presidential election.

As part of his ongoing investigation into how this false Trump-Russia narrative was hatched and weaponized, the Epoch Times reports, Durham has issued subpoenas for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Washington-based private intelligence firm Fusion GPS, and the law firm of Perkins Coie.

The latter law firm previously employed cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann, who in 2016 represented the Clinton campaign.

Sussman was indicted in September 2021 for lying to the FBI when he falsely claimed he had information about a non-existent secret communication channel between Trump and a Russian bank.

Sussman also allegedly told the FBI that he was not representing any client, while he was, in fact, billing his time to the Clinton campaign.

The Epoch Times (ET) reported that:

Earlier this month, Durham said that Fusion GPS “was not primarily providing or supporting expertise relating to legal advice; instead, it appears that the investigative firm’s primary, if not sole, function was to generate opposition research materials that the firm then shared widely.”

On April 23, Durham said of the [Clinton-affiliated] groups, “meeting to agree on the express goal of a joint venture is precisely what happened here, on more than one occasion.”

This ‘joint venture’ is the ‘Clinton collusion’ Durham is targeting. ET continues:

“The parties agreed to conduct work in the hope that it would benefit the Clinton Campaign, namely, gathering and disseminating purportedly derogatory data regarding Trump and his associates’ internet activities,” Durham wrote.

Durham adds in a April 23 court filing, according to ET, that “the goal of the joint venture could not have been more clear: it was to gather and disseminate derogatory non-public information regarding the internet activities of a political candidate [Trump] and his associates.”

So, yes, it is becoming clearer that Clinton collusion was behind the false Trump-Russia collusion hoax. And hopefully more heads will roll. But when will the establishment media retract all their false reporting on Trump?


3 Kommentarer

  1. Så en video med Robert Barnes og Viva Frei, hvor Barnes sagde at Durham var god til at finde fall-guys og lade hovedmændene gå fri. Så han havde ikke gode forhåbninger om at hans undersøgelse ville ændre noget.

    • Ikke et ondt ord om Robert Barnes, men han følger ikke Durham så tæt som Kash Patel, Tyler Durden (Zero Hedge) eller Brian Cates (Draw and strike).
      Durham arbejder sig meget omhyggeligt op gennem hierarkiet, aktuelt synes nettet at strammes om Marc Elias.

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