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Hun kalder sig satiriker/komiker?
Hun har vist aldrig hørt om John Callahan, en satiretegner af guds nåde (gad vide om han har tegnet en handikappet Muhammed – det kunne ligne ham).
Callahan har ingen – absolut ingen tabuer – han sidder selv i kørestol. Hans selvbiografi hedder iøvrigt ‘Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot (Vintage) ” (underforstået – han er lam)
Synopsis:Quadriplegic love triangles?Blind men convinced they can see?A loudmouthed head on a cart?What’s the world coming to????
It’s Coming to Callahan…John Callahan, that is. For over a decade now, this irreverent, anti-PC, genius of a cartoonist has been shocking the world with the wickedest humor ever produced on four wheels. This paraplegic cartoonist is out to prove that, in his world, nothing is sacred, nothing is taboo and nothing is funnier than life itself. Contains 4 twisted episodes and a load of sick extras!.
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