Fake news: DanMarx Radio kalder mordtrusler mod det argentinske fodboldhold og deres familier for ‘politisk pres’

Efter protester: Argentina aflyser VM-testkamp mod Israel

Protester og trusler fra propalæstinensiske grupper har fået det argentinske fodboldforbund til at aflyse.

Skriver DDR.

Det eneste de nævner om trusler er i overskriften , ellers skriver de:

Lederen af det palæstinensiske fodboldforbund, Jibril Rajoub, har ifølge ESPN opfordret Argentina til at aflyse kampen, ligesom han har opfordret arabiske fodboldfans til at brænde plakater med Argentina-anfører Lionel Messi, hvis han spillede.

Og den argentinske landsholds-angriber, Gonzalo Higuain, bekræfter over for ESPN, at kampen er blevet aflyst som følge af politisk pres.

Hvis man går til andre kilder kan man læse:

Argentine players received greater threats than those previously made by ISIS, the Argentine Foreign Minister said during an interview.

The foreign minister, Jorge Faurie said the players were uncomfortable about traveling to Israel due to a series of threats they received on themselves and their families from supporter of the boycott movement.

Protesters outside the Barcelona training facility—where the Argentine national soccer team has been practicing for the FIFA World Cup—held Argentinian soccer jerseys stained with red paint resembling blood.

Israeli  Minister Miri Regev said that players had received threats from “terror groups.

“Since they announced they would play against Israel, different terror groups have been sending messages and letters to players on the Argentina national team and their relatives, including clear threats to hurt them and on the lives of their families,” Regev said. “These included video clips showing dead children.”

The Palestinian Authority and Hamas senior officials welcomed the match cancellation.

After the game was officially cancelled, the Israel Football Association said that they would take action against the PA in international forums after the “brutal and physical threats against the Argentine team.” The Association’s vice president Rotem Kamer accused the Palestinian Football Association of “Football [soccer] terror.”

Så  aflysningen af fodboldkampen Israel-Argentina er ikke så uskyldig som DDR og ritsau vil gøre det til – tværtimod.

Fake News DDR og ritsau.

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