Forretningerne i Chicago forbereder sig på DNC =Democrat National Convention den 19-22 august … opdateret

Tænk jeg kan IKKE huske at den slags var nødvendigt for forretningerne, da republikanerne holdt deres RNC …

Men bare rolig, den slags hamas-zombie optøjer vil selvfølgelig IKKE blive vist i fake-news-msm …

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The Democrat National Convention is happening in Chicago next week and local businesses are taking no chances.

The radical mobs of Israel-hating leftists are expected to be out in full force, so businesses with storefronts have already started boarding them up, assuming that there will be tons of pointless destruction.

The radical left has a reputation for destruction in situations like this. Expect to see a lot of smashed windows, fires, and graffiti after they get done with the city.

WGN News in Chicago reports:

Downtown Chicago businesses board up ahead of Democratic National Convention

A number of businesses in the city’s business district have covered windows and doors with plywood to better protect the buildings should demonstrations during next week’s Democratic National Convention turn unruly.

Scott Shapiro of Syd Jerome Menswear is among the businesses that chose to reinforce their windows, saying he’s had “zero indication” of any additional protections in the Loop. The men’s clothing shop is located on Madison Street, just down the block from City Hall and along the route to the United Center.

Shapiro said his storefront has been damaged on four previous occasions, with windows broken merchandise looted and other property damage.

“We know from past experiences something could ensue so we want to be proactive and get ahead of it,” he said.

Crews with a business called Chicago Board Up Services say they’ve boarded up at least a dozen locations around the West Loop, downtown and Daley Plaza and have plans to work on additional businesses weekend.

Here’s the video report:

Why is the left so intent on destruction? It has become what they are known for.

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4 Kommentarer

  1. Gætter på at DDR og TV2 Fake News sender hele kødranden af Trump-hadende “journalister” afsted for at “dække” helgenkåringen af Kamelen og Tampon Tim.:
    Jesper Steinmetz, Steffen Kretz, Lillian Gjerulff Kretz, Poul Erik Skrammelsen, Ulla Terkelsen, Celina Liv Danielsen, Steffen Gram.
    Og mon ikke også Tom Jensen himself fra Berlingske – Danmarks førende Trump-hadende medie – skal over og slikke røv på sine store helte?

  2. Hvad Fanden er der galt med disse leftie lunatics? De er jo en forsamling tabere, der er frustrerede over egne lorteliv.
    Hvorfor deres agenda er, at alle andre OGSÅ ska’ ha’ lorteliv som deres.
    De “arbejder” i ihærdigt på det ses det.

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