Google er din ven – måske nej?

DemocracyFrontline kan man læse følgende, der viser, at Google udover at censurere i samarbejde med diktaturstater, også er begyndt at gøre det i vesten:

We were lucky to have Arlene Peck post an article here the other day. I am sure many people concured with her thoughts, not only in that article but in many others she has written. I’d like to think that, possibly, some previously undecided person may have finally felt the penny drop through reading her article, or one of her many others in archive.Unfortunately, this may be the only opportunity. GOOGLE has censored news-sites and magazines that carry her writing. Sites that link Arlene Peck articles have been scrubbed from their data base.Arlene wrote to me today suggesting that this has been done at the behest of CAIR; she wrote an article on them a few months ago. She believes she has now been targeted by CAIR. So do I.The following is some of the communication that has taken place regarding this disgraceful event. I am speechless. Left to Google, that might soon be literal.From: Frank Salvato [************]

Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 10:26 AM

To: Arlene Peck; Barbara Stock

Cc: imani@**********.us

Subject: FW: [#58423255] Google News

The New Media Journal has been dropped by Google News and the Google search

engine because of complaints made to them about “hate speech pieces” that

they considered your  opinion-pieces to be.

This puts a HUGE dent into The New Media Journal’s ability to disseminate


I would hope that you would be pro-active in trying to rectfy this situation

as it has everything to do with my livelihood.

I have enclosed the termination notice below

Frank Salvato

Managing Editor

The New Media Journal

—–Original Message—–

From: Google Help []

Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 11:56 AM


Subject: [#58423255] Google News

Hi Frank,

Thanks for writing. We received numerous reports about hate content on your

site, and after reviewing these reports, decided to remove your site from

Google News. We do not allow articles and sources expressly promoting hate

speech viewpoints in Google News (although referencing hate speech for

commentary and analysis is acceptable).

For example, a number of the complaints we looked at on your site were found

to be hate content:

We hope this helps you understand our position.


The Google Team

Derudover arbejder EU-komissionen på at lukke munden på folk der siger sin mening om noget der ikke passer ind i den Euro-Arabiske Dialog.

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