The Islamist grooming scandal is still consuming thousands of underage English female victims across the country.
The latest town to be hit with an horrific scandal is the district of Kirklees, in Yorkshire, which includes the main town of Dewsbury.
Thirty-nine men aged 41 to 83 have been prosecuted for crimes encompassing rape, pimping, and false imprisonment, related to only six underage English girls.
The ethnicity of the groomers is crystal clear, they are all from a Pakistani\Islamist background.
These are the names of the culprits that have been released so far, Mohammed Yakub, Nasir Billimoria, Yousuf Motala, Ebrahim Mamaniatt, Liaquat Ali, Hashim Sacha, Nobhar Shah, Ibrahim Khalifa, Manaf Hussain, Riaz Shaikh, Amjid Rangzeb, Liaquat Hussain Hanif, Shakeel Haq, Rafiq Patel, Mohammed Abbas, Shafaquat Afzal Hussain, Tariq Azam, Aurrangzeb Azam, Israr Hussain, Mohammed Sheikh, Mohammed Tariq, Sajid Majid, Zulfiquar Ali, Ansar Mahmood Qayum, Mohammed Jabbar Qayum, Shafiq Siddique, Mohammed Ishtiaq Hussain, Abbas Kaji, Mohammed Farooq, Tasawar Hussain, Mohammed Munir Shaffi, Zaheed Ali Novsarka, Nassar Liaquat Khan, Mohammed Riaz Khan, Mohammed Luqman Daji, Mohammed Ramzan, Ali Shan Waheed, Ismail Seedat and Mohammed Yasin.
Unbelievably, three white women have also been prosecuted, Janine Green, Donna Lynn, Maria O’Rouke, with allowing a premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse and facilitating prostitution.
How could these white women facilitate a Pakistani\Islamist grooming gang in raping and abusing six young English girls?
It is sick beyond belief.
This fresh scandal encompasses one English town, but other hotspots include Rochdale, Telford, Rotherham, Bradford, Ayeslbury, Oxford, Middlesbrough, Peterborough, Bristol and many, many more, too numerous to list in this email.
It has been stated in the House of Lords that there are in excess of 250,000 underage, child victims of these Pakistani\Islamist grooming gangs.
Britain First thinks that the real number is far, far higher, making this a national emergency of paedophilia and sexual abuse against children.
Britain First has consistently campaigned nationwide to raise awareness of the Pakistani\Islamist grooming gangs scandal.
The story is always the same, the authorities are terrified of being labelled “racist” so they allow the gangs to continue raping our girls.
Britain First will never shy away from combating these grooming gangs.
Britain First will never abandon underage English girls to a life of sexual abuse.
Britain First has visited every grooming epicentre nationwide and has pressured police forces, social services, local councils, takeaways, taxi ranks, and so on, as part of our ongoing campaign.
Britain First will fight to the bitter end to highlight this horrific scandal.
As far as we are concerned, our children are our most cherished possession.
If we don’t fight for them, who else will?
We could give you 250,000 reasons why you should join Britain First, but you already understand what is going on in this country.
Our children are crying out for you to take the plunge and join this movement, while we still have time to rescue our nation.
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Yours sincerely
Britain First HQ
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Hvis der er nogen der fortjener støtte, er det sådan nogle som Britain first og Tommy Robinson. De er helte som kæmper for at redde civilisationen fra barbariet og kommunismen. Det vil ikke bare være godt og ædelt at støtte dem, det vil også være klogt. For hvis England går ned, vil det blive til skade for hele Europa. Så lad os sende dem nogle store sedler. Samtidig bør vi også støtte dem herhjemme som kæmper for at Danmark ikke skal blive magen til Libanon, Sverige og Somalia. G. I. og NB samt Hodjas,, den korte avis og Snaphanen etc.
Man får det indtryk at børnemishandlingen, seksuel eller ej, er et langt mere udbredt fænomen end alle normale mennesker tror. Hvad kan ellers forklare hvorfor det bliver ved med at dukke oppe.
@cernovich antager at ‘Elite pedophiles control all branches of government. This latest story confirms what has long been known. DOJ FBI CIA = pedophiles. Hence why Epstein walked for decades and then “committed suicide.”’.
Et andet svar på Epstein mystikken, er at han også arbejdede for CIA da han også havde regeringsledere og andre topfolk i mange lande i sit garn.
Hvis han løbende har leveret kompromitterende optagelser til CIA, er der ikke noget at sige til at han var nærmest urørlig. Det kan derfor heller ikke undre at han så nemt blev aflivet i fængslet.
Gislane Maxwell ved sikkert ikke nok om CIA til at hun er nogen fare, så derfor er hun stadig i live.
Gad vide, hvor mange politiofficerer og politikere, der også er involverede i svineriet, siden der ikke gøres noget effektivt for at stoppe det? Det har vist sig at være overmåde farligt, at forsøge at kæmpe imod, har vi set med Tommy Robinson, der i dag vist nok er totalt banket tilbage til nul.