Et brev fra en israelsk soldat:
Do you know why so many soldiers die in the West Bank,
Gaza and Lebanon? Not because the enemy’s army is better,
they are not even close to the IDF. We have better equipment,
more equipment, better training, so how is it that soldiers are
kidnapped and killed? That’s a good question. It is because the left
and the international community is keeping such a close look,
and bias toward Israel’s defense tactics, that are (sic!) hands are
tied in defending ourselves properly. We take so many
dangerous steps in order to protect civilians, that in
return, we are killed and kidnapped. Did you know that at
the Lebanon Border for the last ten years, because of
“International” pressure, that if you see 500 Hizbollah
terrorists with AK47’s and rocket launchers and missiles
coming up to the actual border fence, 50 feet from the
Israel soldiers, 50 feet from Israel’s soil, that the IDF
cannot fire unless they fire first! They can aim, set up
shop 50 feet from you, but until they fire and shoot at you,
the Israeli soldiers cannot defend themselves. Is that
logical? No, it is insane. The only reason why so many
Israeli’s both civilian and military are dying is explicitly
the fault of the International Leftist agenda. The Left
likes to see the minority win, even if it is Hamas and
Teksten har jeg slet ikke beskæftiget mig med men billedet siger alt, for sådan er det jo Israel beskytter sine børn og forsvarsløse, araberene gemmer sig bag dem……KUJONER HELE BANDEN.
ÆRE….Pttttttt !