A new report presents an alarming picture of the abuse of women in the Palestinian territories, with police, courts and government agencies failing to treat violence such as rape and beatings as a crime.
Human Rights Watch cited practices such as rape victims being forced to marry assailants and light sentences for men who kill female relatives suspected of adultery. In a report released Tuesday, the rights group said families, tribal leaders and authorities, backed by tradition and discriminatory laws, often sacrifice victims’ interests for “family honor.”
Rapists who marry their victims are not prosecuted, it said, and such deals are often arranged by the families, tribal leaders and police.
Palestinian law is lenient with men who kill female relatives because of adultery. Yet it bars rape and incest victims from having abortions. Rape within marriage is not considered a crime, the report said.
Police and hospital doctors are not trained to handle abuse cases and often further humiliate victims, the report said.
In one hospital in the West Bank city of Nablus, a doctor announced to a crowded waiting room that his unmarried 16-year-old patient was pregnant. The girl’s mother later cited that incident as the main reason for her decision to kill her daughter, according to a case documented in the report
Hanan Ashrawi, an independent legislator, expressed doubt Human Rights Watch’s call for a repeal of laws that discriminate against women will go anywhere since the Palestinian parliament is dominated by the Islamic fundamentalists of Hamas.
“We don’t have a majority for reforms on these issues,” she said.
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