En del af den radikale venstrefløj i Tyskland – the Anti-Germans – støtter ubetinget USA og Israel.
Such a stance puts the group firmly at odds with the majority viewpoint of Germany’s far-left movement, which since the 1970s has been overwhelmingly pro-Palestinian and very critical of Israeli policy. Completing the philosophical break is the support of many anti-Germans for US President George W. Bush, who for the traditional far left is anathema.
“It has to do with George W. Bush’s conception for a new Middle East, which is essentially supported,” said Rüdiger Göbel, deputy editor-in-chief of Junge Welt, a left-wing daily based in Berlin.
But the movement really got behind the Stars and Stripes after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, which they saw as anti-Semitic and targeted at Israel. To them, it marked the rise of a new type of fascism. This time is wasn’t from the far right, but from radical Islam and it had to be fought. The US, in their eyes, was the only one willing to fight it.
“Islamic terrorists and states such as Syria and Iran want to liquidate Israel,” said Hermann Gremliza, publisher of the leftist magazine Konkret and one of the leading figures in the anti-German movement, in an e-mail response. “So (anti-Germans) act according to the motto: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
Just after the war in Iraq broke out in 2003, the anti-German magazine Bahamas wrote an editorial entitled “Bush — the Man of Peace!”
“Whoever carries an Israeli flag is insulted and spit upon,” Gremliza said. “But what do you expect, we’re in Germany.”
Anti-German goals, he says, are to uncover what group members see as the hypocrisy of a German foreign policy that has been harmful to Israel and helped the rise of a new “Islamic” fascism, which they see as a direct descendent of the form practiced by the Nazis.
“Germany wants an alliance with the Islamic world — against the US,” he said, despite Angela Merkel’s close ties to her American counterpart. “And no one notices, except the occasional commentator in The New York Times and the anti-Germans.”
Mere på Deutsche Welle
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