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(Hele klippet her.) Jeg går ud fra, at Dowd, der har forstand på penge, blot mener “USA’s omkostninger.” Beløbet svarer til 1.850 milliarder danske kroner. Hvad “pandemien”, der ikke ville have været nogen pandemi, hvis ikke WHO havde ændret definitionen i 2009, har kostet Danmark og Europa, har jeg ikke lige present. “Mystisk ændring af definitionen,” skrev Information i 2009.
Ed Dowd shares the intertwining of political ideologies, vaccine mandates, and their impact on the workforce, stating, “A lot of these executives are on their sixth booster.” These executives are Fauci worshippers.
He estimates the economic toll of the pandemic response, including lost work time and the care for the disabled, at a staggering $270 billion, suggesting this figure might even be an underestimate. Dowd predicts a looming economic downturn and a potential liquidity crisis. Edward Dowd: Economic Damage from Pandemic Response Estimated at $270 Billion
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