Racistiske Black Lies Matter: “Boykot hvide forretninger ved juleindkøbene!”

The Black Lives Matter movement is urging its supporters to boycott “white” companies over the Christmas festive period.

Since last summer, and the death of armed robber and addict George Floyd, we have had the media and the politicians try to convince the British people that Black Lives Matter is a “movement for racial justice”, rather than a bigoted, racist enterprise.

“We’re dreaming of a #BlackXmas. That means no spending with white companies,” the Black Lives Matter website states.

Imagine if a company or organisation instructed citizens to buy from white companies only?

There would be titanic uproar!

There would be a media frenzy, endless demonstrations, condemnations from politicians and much worse.

But when it comes to Black Lives Matter, the establishment is utterly silent.

All racism is bad, so it seems, except racism directed at white people.

Black Lives Matter suggests several ways for its supporters to take part in Black Xmas, “Build Black, Buy Black”.

How stupid must all those dopey white idiots feel who took part in Black Lives Matter demonstrations?

All pretence that Black Lives Matter is an “anti-racist” organisation has been utterly dispelled.

To swerve abject embarrassment, the media and politicians have been utterly silent on this story.

We have a right to be angry, because for a long time, we have been spoon-fed Black Lives Matter propaganda.

Black Lives Matter is nothing but a racist, communist, anarchist movement seeking racial segregation and disharmony.

But the fact remains, it is white people that face racial discrimination in modern Britain under the leftist establishment.

Along with Black Lives Matter, we have Black History Month, Music of Black Origin Awards, the Black Police Association, and so much more.

There are no organisations or initiatives aimed at helping white people, zero.

This despite the fact that it is white children that, according to numerous statistics, are the most ignored, impoverished and disadvantaged in society.

We are sliding into a situation where racism against white people is acceptable, a society where all ethnic groups can organise to help themselves, except white people, because that would be “racist”.

The Britain First Party is fed up with the endless race-baiting from the political Left and the outrageous “one rule for us, one rule for them” nonsense that turns white people into second-class citizens.

Enough is enough, we are fed up of being outcasts in our own land and being shoved to the back of the queue for the sake of “diversity”.

All we want is a fair society where everyone is treated equally, but unfortunately, we are heading in the opposite direction, and it is our children who will suffer the consequences if we do not do something.

This is why we implore you, to join the Britain First Party and become a key part of the British fightback.

But the main benefit is that you will be “doing the right thing”.

You will be helping to build a future for our children and grand-children.

We are running out of time to rescue this country.

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Britain First HQ

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1 Kommentar

  1. “Boykot hvide forretninger ved juleindkøbene!”

    Hvad skete der med Bidens påstand om at være præsident for hele USA?

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