Selv en valgvideo fra Kamala Harris er … FUP

En række “mænd” siger at de er “mand” nok til at “turde” stemme på Kamala Harris – men det er selvfølgelig IKKE rigtige mænd, men betalte skuespillere

Bare se pagt eksemplaret af kamala-“mand” ovenfor 🙂

Kamala Harris holdet har fundet ud af at hun haret KÆMPE problem med mænd – Trump får ca 10 % flere stemmer der.

her er et link

Så de “kloge” hoveder prøver at løse det problem på den sædvanlige måde:

Obama hives frem af stalden og fortæller at hvis sorte mænd ikke stemmer på Harris, så er de racister

Det skal nok få mang til skifte mening , tror den idiot åbenbart

Og så har en woke demokrat ( undskyld pleonasmen 🙂 ) lavet en video , der viser at rigtige (woke) “mænd” godt tør stemme på kamelen …

Den slags er SÅ typisk arrogant, at der næppe er nogen , der skifter mening 🙂

Taget herfra

The recent ad supporting Kamala Harris, which was made by a writer for Jimmy Kimmel, was supposed to feature ‘real men’ who are voting for the Democrat. Would you be shocked to learn that they’re actors?

Gateway Pundit noted that the social media response to the ad was savage.

Now we find out that they weren’t even ‘real’ men. This just reinforces the idea that absolutely nothing about Kamala Harris is genuine.

Twitter/X user ‘Bad Hombre’ names the performers and gives their backgrounds:

As many of you know, Jimmy Kimmel’s writer, Jacob Reed, directed an ad for the Kamala Harris campaign titled ‘Men for Kamala.’ The ad features what are presented as everyday male voters explaining why supporting Kamala Harris is the masculine thing to do. However, none of the men in the ad are actually regular voters—they are paid actors…

– Wayland McQueen is a far-left, pro-Antifa comedian and actor who has, until now, found limited success. He does improv gigs at the Upright Citizens Brigade in Los Angeles. In a Twitter post from 2022, he explains what white privilege is and tells you why you need to acknowledge your white privilege. As of 2024 he is single.

– Lanre Idewu is an immigrant from Nigeria. He is also an actor who works at the D.C.-based OCTET Productions. He has many intimate pictures with the Obamas and the Bidens. Idewu, who is bisexual, has done gay-for-pay movies and nude solo shoots. In the “Men for Kamala” ad, he says he is “man enough to f-ing braid his daughter’s hair,” but the only problem is that he doesn’t have a daughter. Idewu isn’t braiding anyone’s hair.

– Mike Leffingwell, a gay man, also works at the Upright Citizens Brigade, where McQueen works. He is an acting coach, cartoon writer for Netflix and DreamWorks, and an actor in TV commercials. On his public Instagram page, he showcases his participation in his latest project—the “Men for Kamala” ad.

– Winston Carter, the heavyset fellow in the ad who claims to be a mechanic and rancher, lives in Los Angeles signed with Taft Broadcasting Company. He has found limited success in the acting world, mainly as an extra in films and as a character in the low-budget superhero film Spaghettiman.

– Tony Ketcham, the tough, rugged, bearded grandpa in his garage in the “Men for Kamala” ad, is also an actor. He now mainly does low-budget independent films like Car Botz, where he played the role of PePaw. Tony is unmarried in real life. In 2001, he played the extra role of “alcoholic consumer” in the movie Ghost World.

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Fup og svindel som sædvanligt fra den kant …

Her er et par videoer om den – det er klip fra den , så hav bræk spanden klar

Samtidig fornærmer den demokratiske Gov. Gretchen Whitmer far Michigan et andet segment, som Kamala klarer sig dårligt i : katolikkerne

Bare se her

ROME — The Michigan Catholic Bishops’ Conference has protested Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s mockery of the sacrament of the Eucharist, calling the blasphemous stunt “offensive.”

A video posted on Instagram Thursday featured Gov. Gretchen Whitmer placing a Dorito chip on the extended tongue of a kneeling woman, in a gesture readily recognizable as the Catholic practice of Holy Communion.

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Den slags skal nok få “masser” af katolikker til at stemme på de anti-religiøse demokrater … NOT

5 Kommentarer

  1. Han er da SÅ MEGET mand – og SÅ på een gang! Ham bløddyret med co’boyderhatten.
    Han ligner virkelig een der ikke frygter NOGET – bortset fra sin egen Mor.
    HAM har de virkelig været heldige med😜👍

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