‘Two-finger salute’ – mere britisk vanvid

FURY erupted last night after Sir Winston Churchill was axed from school history lessons.

Britain’s cigar-chomping World War Two PM — famed for his two-finger victory salute — was removed from a list of figures secondary school children must learn about.


Instead they will be taught about “relevant” issues such as global warming and drug dangers. Churchill’s grandson, Tory MP Nicholas Soames, branded the move “total madness.”

The decision to axe Churchill is part of a major shake-up aimed at dragging the national curriculum into the 21st century, it was claimed last night.

But the plan — hatched by advisers — angered schools secretary Ed Balls, who vowed to probe ALL the changes to the curriculum.

The proposals will see traditional timetables torn up, with pupils focusing on modern “relevant” topics such as drug and booze abuse, climate change and GM foods.

Churchill — voted the greatest ever Briton — goes off the required lessons list, along with Hitler, Gandhi, Stalin and Martin Luther King.

There will also be no need to mention the Wars of the Roses, Elizabeth I or Henry VIII.

The move left Mr Balls locked in a row with his curriculum advisers.

He insisted: “Churchill should be taught to all pupils and I shall be taking steps to ensure it is.”

Shadow schools secretary Michael Gove said: “Winston Churchill is the towering figure of 20th-century British history. His fight against fascism was Britain’s finest hour.

“Our national story can’t be told without Churchill at the centre.”

Churchill’s grandson, Tory MP Nicholas Soames, stormed: “It’s total madness. The teaching of history is incredibly important. If people do not seem to care about the country in which they live, the reason is that they don’t know much about it.”


MODERN LANGUAGES: Schools will be able to stop teaching French, German and Spanish and offer other languages, including Urdu, Chinese, Russian, and Arabic.

Mere på The Sun via American Thinker


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4 Kommentarer

  1. Vi har herhjemme i gud ved hvor mange år underprioriteteret Danmarks Historien som en del af historie-faget i skolen.

    Resultatet er heller ikke udeblevet – dog ikke helt så slemt som i Sverige, hvor Sveriges historie fra FØR Socialdemokratiet kom til magten stort set er ukendt for nutidens unge .

    Det man som forældrer kan gøre er, at holde ens egne unger ude af det offentlige skolesystem.

    Og kan dette ikke lade sig gøre – så selv at påtage sig rollen som underviser i Danmarks Historie !

    Ikke om jeg ville finde mig i, at mine børn blev gjort uvidende om deres eget lands historie – og dermed også om de slægtled på hvis arbejde og indsats det nuværende Danmark hviler !

    Gå ind og læse om hvordan og hvorfor vores Topdogs, i hhv. EF og EU, gennem årtier helt bevidst bl.a. har arbejdet for at effektuere denne nationale historieløshed i samtlige af Europas lande :


    hvor Fjordmans artikel “The EU and the Globalist Alliance ” findes.

    jeg har valgt denne blog fordi den har det mest printervenlige format.

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