“WATCH: Civilians Evacuate Northern Gaza as Israel Opens Humanitarian Corridor”

“Palestinian civilians continue to evacuate from the northern Gaza Strip to the south, as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has opened a daily corridor for several hours, allowing safe passage for those who want to flee the fighting against Hamas.”

Taget herfra

Taget herfra

Så alle hulkehistorierne fra fake-news-msm DR/TV2 om at dem, der var tilbage i Nord-Gaza ikke kunne flygte, fordi de ikke havde biler etc, var altså … endnu en gang fake-news …

Så mens Israel gør alt , hvad det kan for at undgå at ramme civile ,

så gemmer hamaSS sig bag civile og slipper afsted med denne latterlige påstand, fordi “journalister” ikke konfronterer hamaSS med virkeligheden

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