I den ny udsendelserække på DR2 med Asmaa Abdol-Hamid fra enhedslisten og Adam Holm, en 36-årig ikke-troende, kritisk rationalist. Han er historiker og har skrevet en Ph.D. om højreradikalismen i Europa. Han har arbejdet som journalist [på Politiken selvfølgelig, MS] og anmelder i fem år og har beskæftiget sig indgående med den arabiske verden og Islam.” Jeg kan tilføje, at han har skrevet en bog med titlen “Det ny højre”. (Uriasposten)
Man begyndte med et interview med Karen Jespersen.
Man diskuterede manglen på demokrati i de muhammedanske lande, hvor den tørklædebefængte Asmaa fremhævede Indonesien som et demokratisk muslimsk land.
Her skal vi da så bringe eksempler fra det demokratiske muslimske land Indonesien; denne her er fra idag – så den er frisk:
Building houses of worship in Indonesia is becoming increasingly difficult for religious groups other than Muslim.
According to the new laws, which were supposed to make life easier, it is even more difficult to obtain a permit for building a house of worship.
To apply for a permit a congregation must have at least 90 members and what is even more important it must have a support from at least 60 members of “another” faith.
Places of worship decrees violate minority rights, say religious leaders
The new decrees—Nos 8 and 9—“follow the principles of the 1969 decree and fail to provide the necessary conditions for harmonious inter-faith relations. They instead have the opposite effect”.
The 1969 Ministerial Decree required that each religious community get a local permit and the approval of local residents before it could build a place of worship. However, permits were hard to come by and Christians were generally forced to worship in semi clandestine places.
The new decrees were drafted following consultations with religious leaders, government officials and security forces. They uphold the old principles but clarify some of the requirements. For instance, they stipulate that a congregation can apply for a permit if it has at least 90 members and its demand is accepted by at least 60 members of another religious community.
Opposition to the new regulations has been voiced in parliament by 42 Catholic and Protestant lawmakers. Constantinus Ponggaw, a member of parliament with the Christian-based Prosperity and Peace Party, said at a press conference that “the new rules worry the faithful and run counter to the spirit of the 1945 constitution. They also breach minorities’ human rights”.
For mig at se, ser der noget dhimmi-agtigt ud i det Indonesiske ‘demokrati’.
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